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Simply that the atoms humans are made up of were forged in the furnaces of dying stars. The basic elements that make up a living body or cell were all created this way, all the elements that exist (with the exception of Hydrogen and Helium) were all created in the fireballs made up of the two elements mentioned earlier.

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Q: What did Carl Sagan mean when he said you are all star stuff?
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What are facts about Carl Sagan?

Carl Sagan was an American astronomer, astrophysicist, and author known for popularizing science. He played a key role in the Voyager Golden Record project and wrote the book "Cosmos," which became a renowned television series. His work emphasized the importance of critical thinking and scientific literacy in society.

Did Carl Sagan invent the seti?

No, the SETI program (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) program pre-dates Sagan, but he was a fervent promoter of it. If any one person could be said to have "invented" SETI, it would have been Frank Drake.

Who said if there are billions of stars in our galaxy and billions of galaxies in the universe and Earth is the only planet in the universe with intelligent life what a waste of space it would be?

A guess: Carl Sagan.

What is Carl Sagan's religion?

Sagan himself answered this, "I'm agnostic."; which simply means he does not know if there is a god or what the nature of god might be and does not believe that this is knowable.However admitting not knowing something does not prevent having an opinion on the subject and developing personal beliefs. For Sagan these personal beliefs leaned towards a form of pantheism comparable to Einstein's belief in Spinoza's God. His son, Dorion Sagan said, "My father believed in the God of Spinoza and Einstein."Therefore one could call Carl Sagan a pantheistic agnostic (i.e. an agnostic that has voluntarily chosen to believe in pantheism without requiring evidence for it).

Why people are concidered as part of the universe?

We are considered part of the universe because you are in the universe, created in the universe and if science is correct everything that goes to make you comes from the universe. Every part of your body except the hydrogen was produced in a star. The Iron and sodium in your blood, the carbon in you, the oxygen you breathe were all created in the core of a star. Heavier elements such as iodine where produced in colossal exploding stars called supernovae. The famous physicist Carl Sagan once said "We are all star stuff". Even the hydrogen in you body was created in the Big Bang. Another quote from Carl Sagan. "We are a way for the universe to know itself." Similarly everything that makes anything you know is made up of parts of the universe. Carl Sagan said "If you want to make an apple pie. First you must create the universe."

What did Carl Sagan mean when he said that you are star stuff?

When Carl Sagan said that "you are star stuff," he meant that all the elements that make up living organisms, such as carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen, were formed in the cores of stars through nuclear fusion. Our bodies are composed of these elements that were created in the hearts of stars billions of years ago, highlighting our cosmic connection to the universe.

How far is Jupiter from the sun in atomic units?

Assume that the distance from sun to Jupiter is one Solar-Jupiter Atomic Unit; then the distance between them is always ONE. And the square root of 2 SJAU is the reciprocal of neptune. Carl Sagan often said such questions are imponderable.

Who said mean stuff about Taylor swift at the music awards?

Kanye West said rude things at the music awards.

Is Carl in The Bible?

yes a few times a carl was said

Who said Any organism that is at battle with itself is doomed?

Carl Sagan, brilliant scientist, researcher, speaker, philosopher coined this phrase. See the link to a moving You Tube presentation currently posted on Democratic You'll hear it in his own words. Very powerful....

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They said a lot of stuff - it depends which part you mean.

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it depends on what u or the person who said it is doing. they could stuff the meat when they cook it or be doing taxidermy which is filling it with surgical cotton after it is cleaned.