

What did Charles Perrault and Jakob Grimm write?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What did Charles Perrault and Jakob Grimm write?
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What famous book did Jakob Grimm and Charles Perrault write?

Fairy tales

What inspired Charles Perrault to write Little Red Riding Hood?

Charles Perrault was inspired by oral folktales that were popular in 17th-century France. He was also influenced by Italian variations of the story, such as "The False Grandmother." Perrault's version was included in his collection of fairy tales, which aimed to entertain and educate children.

What year did The Brothers Grimm write Cinderella?

The brothers Grimm did not write Cinderella, but rather recorded the story that had been shared through oral tradition. They recorded it in 1812 in Children's and Household Tales. There are over 700 Cinderella stories around the world, and the earliest one on record is known as Yeh-Shen, from China thousands of years ago. However, the traditional version of the story was published by Charles Perrault, in France, in the book Tales and Stories of the Past with Morals: Tales of Mother Goose in 1697. He is also credited with creating the genre of fairy tales as a whole.

What did brothers grimm write about?

Fairy Tales

Did Charles Perrault write Rapunzel?

No, although transcribing many now-classic folk-tales (and transforming them to fit the aristocracy), Rapunzel was not one of Perrault's tales. The believed original transcription dates back to Lo Cunti de li Cunto (The Story of Stories), in 1634 by Italian author Giambattista Balie. Creating the foundation for later, better-known versions, such as the Brother's Grimm, this version called Parsley, was believed to have been collected from the oral tales of Crete and Venice.

What time did The Brothers Grimm write Cinderella?

Er- I don't think the Brothers Grimm WROTE Cinderella.

Where did Charles perrault write all his fairy tales at?

Perrault was a French author so he set many of the tales in the French court of the past. The French are almost as chauvinistic as the Spanish. In the movie Versions, Anastasia"s rendezvous point ( in l997 film) is Paris, nor Berlin. like to have the UFO land in the back yard, or at least the local park. C'est la Vie Francaise!

What kind of books did Jacob Grimm write?

he wrote fairytales

What were all the fairy tales that the Grimm brothers wrote?

The brothers Grimm didn't actually write fairy tales, they merely complied existing tales into an anthology.

What year did the Brothers Grimm write the story Rumplestiltskin?

Rumplestiltskin was one of the stories in the first Brothers Grimm book called Children's and Household Tales published in 1812.

Who was considered to be the person who began to write down fairy tales?

Brothers Grimm (i think)

When did the brothers Grimm write Little Red Riding Hood?

To begin with Little Red was not a written tale, it was a tale somewhat similar to our ghost stories, just with more of a point to it. The original Little Red was never (from what i have seen) written. The first writing of it would be the Grimm version, and that is not in the slightest bit the same thing as the original.