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He opposed it with a vengeance. "Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseperable," is his most famous quote, and it pertains to this matter.

On the contrary to the above opinion, this quote addresses the notion of secession which is the actual physical separation of a state from the Union. While Webster often argued against the use of nullification and interposition, this was likely done solely on political grounds or for technical reasons. This is to say that he did not oppose the practice of nullification and interposition in principle, but believed that most cases in which these doctrines arose, he believed the causes were too inconsequential to justify acts of nullification or interposition by the states. In fact, if one reviews his speech on the Senate floor on the practice of conscription, there you will find Webster, himself, invoking the principles of 1798 and claim that it is the duty of the states and part of their essential function to nullify or interpose on behalf of the people under their jurisdiction in the event Congress should attempt to force an unconstitutional act such as conscription upon them. Consider the below quotation which was taken from this speech:

"The operation of measures thus unconstitutional and illegal ought to be prevented by a resort to other measures which are both constitutional and legal. It will be the solemn duty of the State governments to protect their own authority over their own militia, and to interpose between their citizens and arbitrary power. These are among the objects for which the State governments exist; and their highest obligations bind them to the preservation of their own rights and the liberties of their people"
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Q: What did Daniel Webster say about nullification?
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Daniel webster

Where was Daniel Webster position of nullification?

Daniel Webster strongly opposed nullification and believed that the federal government was above the states. This is made clear in the Webster-Hayne Debate of 1830, where Webster argued against pro-nullification South Carolina senator Robert Hayne.

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Jury Nullification

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who championed nationalism and denounced nullification

Who championed nationalism and denounced nullification?

Daniel Webster(novanet)

Who claimed the acceptance of the theory of nullification?

Andrew Jackson claimed the acceptance of the theory of nullification.

Why did Daniel Webster oppose nullification?

The constitution united the American people, not the states

What role did john and Daniel Webster play in the nullification crisis?

John c Calhoun proposed the nullification theory to president and was a very strong supporter ,while Daniel Webster was strongly opposed to it.they both influenced many people.---Webster was opposed toNullificationon thisoccasion, after he was in favor of it.During the War of 1812, Webster was a proponent of state nullification in regards to the draft.

What roles did Daniel Webster and john calhoun play in the nullification crisis?

John c Calhoun proposed the nullification theory to president and was a very strong supporter ,while Daniel Webster was strongly opposed to it.they both influenced many people.---Webster was opposed toNullificationon thisoccasion, after he was in favor of it.During the War of 1812, Webster was a proponent of state nullification in regards to the draft.

What roles did Daniel Webster and john c. play in the nullification crisis?

John c Calhoun proposed the nullification theory to president and was a very strong supporter ,while Daniel Webster was strongly opposed to it.they both influenced many people.---Webster was opposed toNullificationon thisoccasion, after he was in favor of it.During the War of 1812, Webster was a proponent of state nullification in regards to the draft.

What roles did Daniel Webster and John C. Calhoun play in nullification crisis?

John c Calhoun proposed the nullification theory to president and was a very strong supporter ,while Daniel Webster was strongly opposed to it.they both influenced many people.---Webster was opposed toNullificationon thisoccasion, after he was in favor of it.During the War of 1812, Webster was a proponent of state nullification in regards to the draft.

What roles did Daniel Webster and John C. Calhoun play in the nullification crisis?

John c Calhoun proposed the nullification theory to president and was a very strong supporter ,while Daniel Webster was strongly opposed to it.they both influenced many people.---Webster was opposed toNullificationon thisoccasion, after he was in favor of it.During the War of 1812, Webster was a proponent of state nullification in regards to the draft.