The extension of slavery into new territories
How strictly the. Constitution should be interpreted
The rules governing the House of Representatives make it extremely difficult for representatives to influence legislation on the House floor. The size of the House prohibits lengthy debate and a prolonged amendment process. In order to complete its work on legislation, the House Rules Committee imposes strict rules on floor debates and amendments. These formal rules govern when and how certain types of legislation may be brought to the floor and what types of amendments may be added. For instance, an amendment in the House must be related to the issue under discussion at that time. In the Senate, on the other hand, lengthy debate is normal. The purpose of such debate is to explore an issue's aspects thoroughly before deciding on a course of action.
Anti-poverty. kapm
http://www.ehow.com/about_5070480_significance-websterhayne-debate.html This website gives you the resolution and everyone's personal view!! it helped me tremendously!!
It was also a debate about the issue of slavery.
I don't care to debate the issue with you.
the debate to add the bill of rights
The issue of separation of powers is what divided the two parties during the debate over the constitution.
it is based on (issue)-apexx