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They didnt say he toke Bella out the other door so she wouldn't see wat he ALL broke lol Team Edward!! xoxox

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Q: What did Edward Cullen beak in his living room after the vote?
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What colour is the couch in Edward Cullen's room?


In Edward Cullen's room what colour is his sofa?

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What color is the couch in Edwar Cullen's room?

The couch in Edward Cullen's room is described as being a light beige color in the "Twilight" book series by Stephenie Meyer.

Where is Bella's wedding in Breaking Dawn?

In Edward's living room

What power does Edward have?

Edward Cullen has the power to read people minds and not just one at a time but every single person that's in a room. Also he is the fastest of all the vampires

Who in twilight can see into the future?

Alice Cullen can see the future. Edward Cullen can read the minds of people, besides Bella. Jasper can make everyone in a room feel calm. James can hunt extremely well.

Who is the person who goes into Bella's room in eclipse?

In "Eclipse," the person who goes into Bella's room at night is Edward Cullen. Bella initially thinks it is Victoria or another vampire, but it turns out to be Edward checking on her.

In twilight how many rooms does the Cullen's have?

A lot. It doesn't actually specify how many. On the bottom floor there is a kitchen and lounge, then Carlisle's office, Carlisle and Esme's room, Roslaie's room, ad Edward's room are the only ones specified.

Where does edward propose to Bella?

Edward officially proposes with a ring in his room. He has a condition that Bella has to marry him if she can have vampire venom go through out her body anytime she wants. Bella wants to have sex with him and Edward promises that they will try it when she's not as breakable. That's all there is to it.

How did the living room get its name?

One popular explanation is that the "Living room" came about after the custom of displaying the bodies of the deceased in the parlor was discontinued and a new name for this room (as opposed to the "family room") was created to distinguish it from that former custom as a room for the living only.

Is Bella Swan's name Angelica Cullen in Breaking Dawn?

No, but Bella adopts Edward's name. On page 30, chapter 2, of Breaking Dawn. "...My last night in my room. my last night as Isabella swan. Tomorrow night, i would be Bella Cullen"

What side of Cullen house is all windows?

The home in which the Cullens lived was a large unique house. The entire left side of the house, was made of windows. This side of the house is where Edward's room was located.