

What did Elizabeth Blackwell invention help mankind?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: What did Elizabeth Blackwell invention help mankind?
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How did elizabeth blackwell help mankind?

i think she helped men realise that women can do the same things as men.

What did Elizabeth blackwell help do?

Elizabeth Blackwell helped women have the rights to get a better job rather than house wives No welizabeth blackwell was trying to revive the humans from extinction

How long did it take for Elizabeth Blackwell to graduate?

I have no clue i need people's help. HELP ME!

How did Elizabeth blackwell help the world?

Elizabeth Blackwell helped the world by showing that women were capable of being doctors just like men. She was the first woman ever to graduate medical school.

How do use the word mankind in a sentence?

There are a lot of things that could be done to help mankind. The invention of airplanes was a great achievement that has changed mankind.

Names of people who invented things to help others?

Elizabeth Blackwell did things for us to help us today she was a wonderful person and for a school project i did things about her and got a 100. She doesn't get much recognition but she is a wonderful lady. This is to you Elizabeth Blackwell. You are the best.

What did elizabeth blackwell and her daughter like to do together?

Liked to play and do other things check your school library for other help

What and when was the first invention?

Likely, the first invention was a weapon of some kind to help mankind's early ancestors hunt for their food. This was probably tens of thousands of years ago.

Why did Elizabeth Blackwell want to be a doctor?

Elizabeth Blackwell wanted to be a doctor because she lost 2 brothers 6 sisters 8 cousins and a good friend.

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an orchid mantis does or does not help mankind. which means that it doesn't help mankind but its not bad for mankind either

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Lucretia Mott, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, Mary Lyon, Elizabeth Blackwell, Maria Mitchell, Mary Ann Shadd Cary Helen Keller, and Susette La Flesche.

Should the government support inventors?

The government should support inventors if what they are inventing will help mankind in some way. If an invention is only going to help someone that purchases the product, the government should not support it financially.