

What did Erik the red do before he found Vinland Canada?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What did Erik the red do before he found Vinland Canada?
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Who is the father of the explorer of vinland?

Erik the Red. He was the father of Leif Ericson.

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The saga of Erik the Red and saga of the Greenlanders.

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Greenland was named by Erik the Red. Vinland was named by Leif Ericson.

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Leif Ericson is NOT correct! Erik the Red discovered and created a settlement on Greenland. Leif Erikson, his son, was born in Greenland, and explored and discovered Newfoundland and Vinland.

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Erik the Red didn't establish any settlements in the new world. He established settlements in Greenland. His son, Leif Ericson, established the settlement of Vinland in the new world.

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I'm just a kid and this may not be right but according to me he discovered Greenland and Canada. Erik the Red told his men of a sea of worms right under Greenland some of his men crossed Greenland by foot and some took their chances. To tell you the truth there's no sea of worms. Erik the Red went further east and found a land with thick fields of grass, he was probably amazed by everything. Erik the red called this new land vinland because of the grapevines. But like i said I may be wrong about this but forget what everyone says and get this into your head CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS DIDN'T DISCOVER THE AMERICAS.

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