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Q: What did Frederick of Prussia gain from the Austrian succession?
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How did the war with Denmark help Prussia to unite Germany?

Prussia was able to gain control of the previously Austrian controlled areas of Germany. This expanded the Prussian empire and reunited nearly all German territories.

How did Frederick William gain absolute power in Prussia?

Frederick William ruled Prussia after the Thirty Years' War. Known as the Great Elector, he made a deal with the powerful nobles in the various parts of Prussia. In exchange for a standing army, Frederick William agreed to give the nobles complete control over their serfs, or peasants. However, the Prussian ruler wanted to be an absolutist monarch like leaders in Western Europe. Once Frederick William had his standing army, he began implementing his policies without the permission of the nobles. By this time it was too late for the nobles to resist. Frederick William had the power to tax and the army to back him up - two of the key elements of an absolute state. From then on, Prussian rulers maintained strong armies and a unified nation. By 1740, Prussia had one of the most powerful armies in Europe. It was only a matter of time before Prussia would clash with its neighbors. These conflicts would once again redraw the map of Europe and change political alliances.

What causes the war of the austrain succession?

The pretext for the war was given by the supposed ineligibility of Maria Theresa to the Hapsburg's throne after the Death of her father, the emperor Charles VI, because the Salic Law precluded royal inheritance by a woman. The very real reason was instead the will of France to challenge the power of the Hapsburg to get some territorial gain in the Austrian Flanders and that of Prussia to conquer the rich region of Silesia to the Hapsburg.

How did Frederick William gain power in Prussia?

Frederick William ruled Prussia after the Thirty Years' War. Known as the Great Elector, he made a deal with the powerful nobles in the various parts of Prussia. In exchange for a standing army, Frederick William agreed to give the nobles complete control over their serfs, or peasants. However, the Prussian ruler wanted to be an absolutist monarch like leaders in Western Europe. Once Frederick William had his standing army, he began implementing his policies without the permission of the nobles. By this time it was too late for the nobles to resist. Frederick William had the power to tax and the army to back him up - two of the key elements of an absolute state. From then on, Prussian rulers maintained strong armies and a unified nation. By 1740, Prussia had one of the most powerful armies in Europe. It was only a matter of time before Prussia would clash with its neighbors. These conflicts would once again redraw the map of Europe and change political alliances.

What were the characteristics of Prussia?

The kings of Prussia ruled as an absolute monarchy from 1701-1740. A strong army helped the rulers gain power.

How did Fedrick William gain absolute power in Prussia?

by birth right

Why did Prussia battle Austria in the 1700s?

to gain control of german states

Why did prussia feel that it needed to defeated austria?

Prussia felt it was necessary to defeat Austria in order to gain control over the German territories it wanted and to expand its own land.

What caused the 7 years war?

The Seven Years' War may be viewed as a continuation of the War of the Austrian Succession, in which King Frederick II of Prussia had gained the rich province of Silesia. Empress Maria Theresa of Austria had signed the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle (1748) only in order to gain time to rebuild her military forces and to forge new alliances, which she did with remarkable success. The political map of Europe had been redrawn in a few years. During the so-called Diplomatic Revolution of 1754, century-old enemies France, Austria and Russia formed a single alliance against Prussia. Prussia had the protection only of Great Britain, whose ruling dynasty saw its ancestral Hanoverian possession as being threatened by France. In Great Britain's alliance with Prussia the two powers complemented each other. The British already had the most formidable navy in Europe, while Prussia had the most formidable land force on continental Europe, allowing Great Britain to focus its soldiers towards its colonies. The Austrian army had undergone an overhaul according to the Prussian system. Maria Theresa, whose knowledge of military affairs shamed many of her generals, had pressed relentlessly for reform. Her interest in the welfare of the soldiers had gained her their undivided respect. The second cause for war arose from the heated colonial struggle between the British Empire and French Empire which, as they expanded, met and clashed with one another on two continents. oh and you suck :p

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Gain independence from Germany Split apart the empire Unite the various Austrian states Declare freedom from Turkey This--Independence from England

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After the WW1, Italy gain territory at the expenses of the defeated and collapsed Austrian-Hungarian Empire, accomplishing its national unity.

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