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Galileo discovered, in his observations of the different phases of Venus, that Venus and the Earth were revolving around the Sun. This was contrary to the misconception at the time that everything revolved around the Earth.

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Q: What did Galileo discover in the different phases of Venus?
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Did Galileo Discover Venus's?

No. He discovered the phases of venus.

Did Galileo discover the Moon's phrases?

Well yes and no. The phases of the moon were understood well before Galileo --- however Galileo discovered the moons of Jupiter and no doubt their associated phases --- as well as the phases of Venus.

What is the significance of Galileo observation of the phases of Venus?

The phases of the planet Venus are the different variations of lighting seen on the planet's surface

When did Galileo discover sunspots?

Galileo discovered sunspots in 1612. He also discovered the phases of Venus and four of Jupiter's moons during his lifetime.

How did Galileo discover the planet Venus's?

He did not discover the planet Jupiter. He only used his telescope to see its four largest moons. The planet is and always has been visible to the naked eye and was known to people since ancient times.

When did Galileo confirm the phases of Venus?

Galileo Galilei first recorded phases in Venus in 1610, and published his findings in 1613.

Did Galileo Discover Venus?

No, Venus was already known of in Galileo's time.

What is the significance of Galileo's observations of the phase of venus?

The phases of the planet Venus are the different variations of lighting seen on the planet's surface

When did Galileo discover Venus?

In the year 1610

Can Tycho's model explain the phases of venus as observed by Galileo?


Who was the first astronomer to see the phases of Venus?

Galileo Galilei

Who discovered the phases of Venus using a telescope?

Gallieo Galilei first observed that Venus has phases. This is due, primarily, to the fact that Venus is closer to the Sun than the Earth is. In order to display phases, particularly crescent phases, the observed object must be closer to the Sun than the observer.