

What did Hitler kill the Jews with in camps?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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Hitler himself never went to a camp and killed them, he got his men to gas them, starve them, shoot them, and let them die of disease and infection. watch 'The boy in the striped pyjamas.' Sad, but true.

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Q: What did Hitler kill the Jews with in camps?
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Who did Hitler send to murder the Jews?

He didnt tell anyone to kill the jews but Hitler did order Heinrich Himmler to kill the jews in the camps quickly, cheaply and as efficently as possible

How did Hitler kill 25000 Jews a day?

Different methods but the bulk of them were gassed in different camps

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In the women's sections of the concentration camps the guards were also women.

What is the true fact of Hitler wanting to kill the Jews?

Yes. Hitler wanted to exterminate the Jewish people. This is a true fact. He created a massive network of death camps, concentration, camps, work camps, and ghettos designed for systematic elimination of the Jews and other Undesirables.

Did adolf Hitler kill people besides Jews?

Yes. Many people. Any people who displeased him. Then at the consentration camps there weren't only Jews, and at consentration camps they gassed people.

What was done in concentraion camps?

the Nazi took the Jews to the camps. If the Jews where to old or young to work they would kill them by burning or shooting just because Hitler didn't like Jews. the Jews who work were work to death or hang.

How did Hitler get the Jews to the death camps?

Jews were sent there by Train.

Where did Adolf Hitler send the Jews?

Hitler's first military act was to annex Austria.

Did adolf Hitler tormented Jews in concentration camps?

Hell Yes, Hitler killed anyone who wasn't a pure German. aka Aryan. Hitler wouldn't kill them himself, He would send them to the Concentration Camps.

Hitler plans to kill the jews?

During the holocaust, Hitler laid down elaborate plans to exterminate all the Jews. Concentration camps with gas chambers and human ovens were meant to carry out the work.

Who hitler kill the jews?

During World War 2, Adolf Hitler assassinated the Jewish people in many ways. Jewish people suffered in concentration camps, work camps, and used in medical experimentation.

When did Hitler send the Jews to Concentration Camps?

May 1940 in a big load but hitler did send jews to camps as early as 1933 but none of them were killed