

What did Hitler say gave him the power?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: What did Hitler say gave him the power?
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Define the legislation that gave Hitler supreme power?

The legislation that gave Hitler supreme power was the Enabling Act. It was passed by the Reichstag in March 1933. It gave Hitler near dictatorial powers Hope this Helps!

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It was Hitler who gave it to him.

What power did the enabling act give to Hitler?

THIS ACT Was an act that gave Hitler power of life and death over every citizen.

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You would have to say that Heydrich gave it to him.

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Hitler maintained power as Germany was in a time where many people were unemployed and hitler gave jobs to Germans to fight in the war and kill jews

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he won the war

Did people have a say in what Hitler did?

no becase he is like a king and if they did say in what Hitler did he beliived that they where trying to over power him and the punshiment...DEATH

What was the purpose of enabling act of March 1933?

gave hitler dictatorial legislative power

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hitler took over the army with the help of the ss as hiltler killed ernest rohm who was the leader of the SA. Hitler then gave them the oath that they will respect hitler and help him in the battles that they declared to fight on. hitler did this as he had most power.

What act did Hitler pass in 1933 which gave him power?

What did Hitler say on the radio?

Almost every speech Hitler gave was broadcasted on the radio. Please be more specific and re-post the question.