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He was the greatest scientist of the last 500 years, but he accomplished nothing in alchemy.

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Q: What did Isaac Newton do as the best alchemist in the world?
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sir isaac newton best known as the finder of the 3 general laws

What was Isaac Newton's Step-dad's name?

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What scientist was best known for his observations on gravitiy?

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What scientist best known for explaining gravity?

Sir Isaac Newton ( 1642 - 1727 )

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Sir Isaac newton is best known for mathematical ideas about gravity and motion.

Who is the best scientist that ever lived?

Charles Darwin or Isaac Newton are generally considered to be the greatest scientists.

What is Isaac newton?

Isaac Newton was an English physicist and is seen as one of the leading thinkers in the scientific revolution. Despite all of his scientific breakthroughs, he is perhaps best known for the allegory of an apple falling on his head, and thus discovering gravity.

Did Isaac Newton like sharks?

To the best of my knowledge there is no record of Isaac Newton's feelings on sharks. Since he never left the United Kingdom and large sharks are not native to the sea's around Britain it is unlikely he had any feelings on the matter.