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James Madison answers this question himself in Federalist Paper #10. In it he says "The diversity in the faculties of men, from which the rights of property originate, is not less an insuperable obstacle to a uniformity of interests. The protection of these faculties is the object of government."

When Madison uses the term "faculties" he is referring to individuals' potentials or capabilities. Thus, for Madison the primary purpose of government (the first object of government) is to ensure that each individual has the greatest opportunity to realize his or her full human potential .

From this primary purpose of government, it follows that all government actions should be judged on whether they serve this primary purpose: protecting U.S. citizens (the armed forces), ensuring that all citizens are adequately educated in order to give them the tools needed to realize those potentials (education), protecting their personal property (enforcing contracts and protecting private property), providing roads, bridges, and airports (infrastructure), enhancing individual economic opportunities (to achieve their full potentials), ensuring that companies don't cause pollution that endangers people realizing their potentials, ensuring that health care is available, etc

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Grate because he an fight for what he wants and stuff that's what he thinks of the government roll

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