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We will speak of death first: When Jesus was taken captive and crucified that Friday the Apostles were very afraid. They were afraid that the Jews would send out soldiers to find them and execute them. Also the Apostles were still trying to get into their heads that Jesus Had to die. They could not understand why He was now dead. It was a very scary and uncertain time for them. This Man as far as they were concerned was the Messiah, why now is He dead?

Three days pass and then word of the tomb being empty was a shock, surprise and at the same time a feeling that something glorious had happened. Then they actually saw the risen Savior and even touched Him and all that Jesus had told them about His death and resurrection came back to their memories and gave way to Joy. Yes Jesus was alive. The Messiah lives.

Then the day of Pentecost arrives and each of the disciples are fill with the Holy Spirit and they were changed, not physically but spiritually and they could remember all the days they spent with Jesus and all the marvelous things He had told them. Jesus had trained these men well and they only had to wake up and realise it was all true. The Holy Spirit brought back all the teachings. From here on out it was just a matter of going out and preaching and telling others about Jesus


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Q: What did Jesus' death and resurrection mean to the apostles?
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Because if Jesus did not rise from the dead - then he did not return to send Paul on the 'road to Damascus' - this is why it is so important. No Resurrection = No commission = No Christianity!

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jesus rose from the dead after he was crucified he has been witnessed by so many people including one disciple who never believed that the dead man can arise hi sname was THOMAS he touched lord jesus christ and then he believed. how jesus christ was raised from the dead even God promised the resurrection life to us through his ony begotten son.RESURRECTION LIFE AFTER DEATH

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What does the resurrection of Jesus Christ mean?

The earliest manuscripts of Mark's Gospel end at verse 16:8, with the young man saying that Jesus is risen, and the women fleeing in terror, telling no one. Clearly the resurrection is important, because the "Long Ending" (verses 16:9-25) was added much later to provide resurrection appearances. Although each gospel provides quite different accounts of just what happened after the resurrection of Jesus, Christians believe that the resurrection means that Jesus is the Son of God.

Does the death and resurrection of Jesus symbolizes the passing from age of Aries the ram or 'lamb of God' to the age of Pisces the fish?

The death and resurrection of Jesus are not symbolic for anything at all. They are historic events which were attested by numerous witnesses, many of whom were prepared to die for the truth of these events and what they mean. The meaning of the death and resurrection of Jesus has absolutely nothing to do with astrological ages since Jesus is also the creator of the stars which are thus His servants to be 'for signs and for seasons.' They thus give witness to the reality of their maker (see Romans 1) as well as serving man in signifying the passing of seasons. The death and resurrection of Jesus means precisely that Jesus is Lord of life and death and gives life to all who believe on Him. His resurrection life is available to all who trust Him (John 3:16). This promise is a present reality for all who have already trusted Christ and an ever-present possibility and offer to everyone who hasn't yet done this. Such meaning is given it by the Bible, which is both the source of the written testimony regarding these events as also the 'well-spring' from which many today experience the reality of the events in their daily lives. They thus have passed from death to life in actual experience. This is the new life which has dawned for them (2 Corinthians 5:17) not anything to do with a ram or a fish.

What does resurrect mean?

Resurrection means the raising to life after death. However, it does not simply mean the resuscitation of a corpse (such as the raising of Lazarus, or Jairus' daughter by Jesus Christ, as these people went on to die naturally some time later. Resurrection means raising to a glorified bodily existence that is eternal. Jesus' resurrection was the first resurrection to occur as he is God incarnate, and hence death could not hold him. He promises resurrection after death to all who believe in him at the end of time.In Scripture the following passage defines what Resurrection is: "Sadducees came to him, who say that there is no resurrection; ……. But Jesus answered them, "You are wrong, because you know neither the scriptures nor the power of God. For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven. And as for the resurrection of the dead, have you not read what was said to you by God, 'I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? He is not God of the dead, but of the living" (Matthew Ch 22). Note: Angels often appeared in human form. They even ate food which Abraham prepared for them.The word really means to rise again from the dead just as Christ arose again after three days on the first Easter Sunday. Resurrection, however, does not mean simply the resuscitation of a corpse to some sort of 'zombie-like' state. Resurrection means to rise in a glorified way to a new bodily state of existence, where death is no more. Christ healed many people in his mission on earth, and even caused some (like Jairus' daughter, Lazarus, the widow's son etc) to rise from death. However, these would, of course, die again afterwards when it was their time. The only person who has risen by resuurection is Jesus showing us that once and for all he conquered death and that the resurrected Jesus would never die again. Through his sacrifice on the cross, and his resurrection, he promises that new Godly state for all who follow him.