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Jesus taught the proper understanding of the Sabbath - particularly for the Pharisees. He performed miracles and was accused of being on Satan's team which He confounded the accusers by showing how a 'kingdom' divided against itself would not last - healing a demon possessed man. Moreover, the people demanded a sign of His Messiahship which He gave the one and only sign to them - that was of Jonah in the belly of the great fish for 3 days and 3 nights so He would be in the 'belly' of the Earth or grave for 72 hours.

The chapter ends with the crowd pointing out His brothers and sisters. But Jesus uses the moment to point out that all are our brothers and sisters in God's eyes. If only mankind could fathom that concept.

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Q: What did Jesus give examples of in Matthew 12?
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In the book of Matthew, chapter 5, verses 1-12

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