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Q: What did Johnny think about the Robert Frost poem?
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Which movie was there a Robert Frost poem?

The movie "The Outsiders" includes a Robert Frost poem, "Nothing Gold Can Stay," recited by the character Johnny.

What is johnny's response to hearing the Robert Frost poem?

Johnny feels a sense of nostalgia and connection when he hears the Robert Frost poem. The poem's themes of nature, choices, and paths resonate with him on a personal level, making him reflect on his own journey in life.

What was Robert Frost's hit poem?

I think it's "The Road Not Taken" or "Birches".

Who recited a poem the inauguration of John F Kennedy in 1961?

Robert frost

What does Ponyboy recites to Johnny's poem at sunrise?

Ponyboy recites the poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay" by Robert Frost to Johnny at sunrise. The poem talks about the fleeting nature of beauty and innocence, reflecting the boys' own struggles and the challenges they face in their lives.

Is minor bird by Robert frost an African poem?

No, "The Minor Bird" is not an African poem. It was written by American poet Robert Frost. The poem reflects Frost's observations of nature and his contemplation of life and death.

What does ponyboy recite to johnny?

Nothing Gold Can Stay Nature's first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf's a flower, But only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf, So Eden sank to grief, So dawn goes down to day, Nothing gold can stay.

What was Robert frost's first poem?

my butterfly

Why did Robert Frost write the poem the?


What type of poem was sand dunes written by Robert frost?

it help with my home work think MRGREEN

When did Robert Frost write spring pools?

Robert Frost wrote the poem "Spring Pools" in 1916.

How do you write a Robert Frost poem?

To write a poem in the style of Robert Frost, focus on nature, rural settings, and themes of isolation and introspection. Use simple language and traditional rhyme schemes, such as blank verse or iambic pentameter. Consider exploring universal truths and human experiences in your poem.