

What did Jose' Marti do?

Updated: 6/1/2022
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11y ago

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He was a son of Cuba who fought for Cuba's independence from Spain. Marti was also a prolific poet and writer. Due to his believe that Cuba should be free from Spain's yoke, he was jailed and exiled. He lived in New York, Tampa and Central America during his time in exile. Wherever he was, he always rallied to the cause of freedom and worked very hard for it, ultimately sacrificing his life for Cuba's independence. He died in Dos Rios, fighting the Spanish. He was born in La Habana, Cuba of Spanish parents on Jan. 8, 1870 and died on May 19, 1895.

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Napoleon Barton

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2y ago
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13y ago

He was a son of Cuba who fought for Cuba's independence from Spain. Marti was also a prolific poet and writer. Due to his believe that Cuba should be free from Spain's yoke, he was jailed and exiled. He lived in New York, Tampa and Central America during his time in exile. Wherever he was, he always rallied to the cause of freedom and worked very hard for it, ultimately sacrificing his life for Cuba's independence. He died in Dos Rios, fighting the Spanish. He was born in La Habana, Cuba of Spanish parents on Jan. 8, 1870 and died on May 19, 1895.

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