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Q: What did LaSalle call the Ohio river?
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What did lasalle think the northwest passage was?

Lasalle thought that the Northwest Passage was the Ohio River. He eventually found out it wasn't.

Did Rene Robert de lasalle find the Mississippi and the Ohio river?


Why did lasalle explore?

lasalle explored the two rivers(Mississippi river and Ohio river) because he wanted to be the first one to find the north west passage and wanted to build a colony at the mouth of Mississippi river.

What was the river that was explored by lasalle?

the river explored by lasalle is the Colorado river

Who claimed land in Ohio valley for france?

LaSalle, the French explorer, had claimed a huge land area from the Appalachian Mountains in the east to the Rocky Mountains in the west, and from the Great Lakes in the north to the Gulf of Mexico in the south. He called this area New France. The whole Ohio River Valley was not part of LaSalle's claim, but gradually the French moved into all of the Ohio River Valley. They were mostly fur trappers by trade.

What did René-Robert Lasalle do?

Rober Lasalle discovered Mississippi River Valley. Also, Robert Lasalle is from France.

What did Robert lasalle find?

Robert lasalle found the top of the mississipp river

Where did Robert LaSalle explore?

Robert laSalle traveled down the Mississippi River and claimed it for France.

Why did the French think they had a right to control the Ohio river valley?

the french claimed that the ohio river valley belonged to htem because when they reached the end of the mississippi river robert lasalle claimed all the land and tributaries land of france

Where did Robert lasalle travel?

LaSalle went to north America to the Mississippi river, and traveled down to the gulf of Mexico.

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What river forms the western border of Kentucky?

The Ohio River