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Q: What did Mawson work as before he went to Antarctica?
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Related questions

Where do Australians work in Antarctica?

Australians working in Antarctica may be based at any of the Australian bases, which are Mawson, Davis and Casey.

What are the roles of humans at Mawson Station?

All humans on Antarctica, regardless of which research station where they work and live on a temporary basis, pursue scientific questions regarding the health of planet Earth.

What has the author Thomas H Mawson written?

Thomas H. Mawson has written: 'The life and work of an English landscape architect'

What kind of work was Douglas mawson involved in?

he is amazing

What branch of science did Douglas Mawson study and work in?


What was it like before homework?

Kids went to work instead of school - you usually got up before sunrise and went out to help on the farm or went to a factory to work. Work back then lasted until sunset, so you had no play time at all.

Why do scientists only work in Antarctica for the summer?

80% of people work in the summer in antarctica

Would it affect antarctica animals if people went there?

There are no animals on the Antarctic continent, except the sea birds and sea mammals that visit its beaches to breed. People live and work, temporarily on the continent, and tourists visit Antarctica today.

Did Paul Ryan work as a lawyer before entering politics?

no he did not he was stupid and did not practice before he went to politics

Why does an explorer go to Antarctica?

Explorers to go to Antarctica to explore: this is their work.

What sort of food did Scott and Mawson take to Antarctica?

All foods consumed by the early explorers was tinned. The key staple food is called pemmican, which is half ground meat and half lard. This provided the explorers with the calories required to maintain body heat and work in the extreme polar environment where they explored.

How much industrial work is in Antarctica?

None. Antarctica is a continent dedicated to science.