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Q: What did Maya do for the Religion?
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What religion were Maya people?

well i can't answer what religion they were but they did worship the sun and the moon. I think they also worship jaguars.

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roman Catholicism spanish Catholicism Maya Religion

How were the Maya religion and government connected?

AnswerThe ancients saw evidence of the divine in the perfection of mathematics. Pythagorus, one of the early grat Greek philosophers, is best known today for his pioneering work in mathematics, but he also led a religious Mystery cult that had disciples all around the Mediterranean.

The Maya developed two different calendars for which two aspects of their lives?

Religion and Farming.

How did Maya architecture reflect Maya religious beliefs?

Maya architecture, such as temples and pyramids, was built to connect the physical world with the spiritual realm. Structures were aligned with celestial events and featured intricate carvings of gods and symbols important in Maya religion. The layout of cities also reflected the Maya worldview of the cosmos, with buildings mirroring the levels of the Maya universe.

What did the Maya and Aztec organize their society around?

i know that the mayans worshipped the passage of time

Why was it important for Maya priests to develop a calendar?

It was their religion to capture time and from it stemmed mathematics and astrologu