

What did Mohandas Gandhi do before he became famous?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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gandhi studied law before he became famous.

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Q: What did Mohandas Gandhi do before he became famous?
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What did Gandhi do before he became famous?

gandhi studied law before he became famous.

Why was Mohandas Gandhi a famous Hindu?

because he was

What made Mohandas Gandhi famous?

for non violence and peace

How do you spell ghandai?

The famous surname is spelled Gandhi (as in Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi or the unrelated prime minister Indira Gandhi).

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At the present moment Lady Gaga gets more notice. In 75 years, Gandhi will still be famous but only a few pop culture experts will know anything about Lady Gaga.

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Gandhi!! Mohandas/mohatma was his first name

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1) salt march is the famous march held by Mahatma Gandhi

How was Gandhi's life like before he became famous?

Gandhi had sent 20 years fighting laws in South Africa that discriminated against Indians before he became a leader.

What did Gandhi became famous for?

Mahatma Gandhi became famous for his principle of non violence or satyagraha.

What is Mohandas Gandhi known for?

He is most famous for fighting for what he belived in which was freedom to all races.

Famous Indian person who helped the less fortunate people?

Do you mean Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi?

Who is more famous Mohandas Gandhi or Sonic the Hedgehog?

Sonic the Hedgehog. Don't ask how. It just is.