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Q: What did Native Mississippians call the Mississippi river?
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Is Mississippi known for crops and farming?

Yes, agriculture is one of the state's leading industries. The Mississippi "delta" is one of the most fertile regions in the country. Mississippians call the low-lying area east of the Mississippi river "the delta," but it is not a true delta it is just a large floodplain that covers 15-20% of the state.

Who founded the Mississippi?

Marquet and Jolliet founded what we now call the Mississippi River.

What do we call the part of the Mississippi river that empties into the gulf of Mexico?

The part of a river that empties into a body of water is called the mouth of the river

In what year did the Indian Removal Act call for the movement of Native Americans from lands east of the Mississippi to lands west of the Mississippi?


What did the Indian removal act call for and did Andrew Jackson support it?

provided for the general resettlement of Native Americans from east of the Mississippi River to lands west President Jackson was a strong opponent of Indian tribes

Who was the European to see the Mississippi River and to call it the Rio Grande?

Herando de Soto

Who was the first European to call the Mississippi river the Rio Grande?

herando de soto

In what year did the Indian Removal Act call for the movement of Native Americans from lands east of the Mississippi to lands west of the Mississippi resulting in the displacement of thousands of?


What did the act call for and why did Andrew Jackson support it?

provided for the general resettlement of Native Americans from east of the Mississippi River to lands west President Jackson was a strong opponent of Indian tribes

What did the early settlers call the grasslands between the Mississippi river and Rocky mountain?

Great American desert.

What did the early settlers call grasslands between the Mississippi River and the Rocky mountains?

Great American desert.

What is the depth of the Mississippi River near Vicksburg?

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