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to save this brothers and himself from getting arrested. He didn't mean any harm. He told them to surrender but a war began and he had to shoot them

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Q: What did Ned Kelly kill the three police?
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What was the date when Ned Kelly killed the three police officers?

Ned shot the three police officer in 1878

What year did Ned Kelly kill three policemen?


Why did ned kelly kill people?

people killed ned kelly because he did bad things and he got hung for it.

Who killed ned kelly?

Ned Kelly killed three police officers at Stringybark Creek police officers name ( Lonigan, Kennedy and Scanlo)

What gun did ned kelly use to kill 3 police?

he used a 55 calebire rifle

Where did Ned Kelly write his letter?

Ned Kelly write the letters to the police because he thought it would stop the madness and to try free his mum of of the police sells. Ned Kelly started bushranaging because he wanted free rights for landowners, yes he did rob banks yes he did still stuff and yes he did kill police offence's but Ned Kelly was a nice man he put people in hostages but he looked after them.

When did the Ned Kelly gang have a shoot out with the police?

The Ned Kelly gang had a shootout with the police at the Glenrowan Inn in June 1880.

How did they kill ned kelly?

After being captured, Ned Kelly was put on trial and then hanged.

What did Ned Kelly think about the police in Australia?

Ned Kelly was most disrespectful of the police or, as they were then known, "troopers". He had no regard for either their position or their authority.

Why did ned kelly get arrested?

Ned Kelly was a notorious Australian Bush ranger. It is believed that Ned Kelly his brothers and friends had killed three policemen. After a violent confrontation with police Kelly was arrested in 1880. He was sent to jail and tried for murders. He was later convicted for three counts of willful murders and was hanged in November, 1880.

Why did ned kelly wear his helmet?

Ned Kelly wore his helmet so that the police wouldn't know it was him.

Why did ned kelly get in trouble by the police?

ned kelly got in trouble by the police because he shot 3 police men, robbed 2 banks and stole cattle.