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wishes he died in battle

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Q: What did Odysseus do when he was in the storm sent by poseidon?
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During the storm sent by Poseidon Odysseus did what?

wishes he'd died in battle at Troy.

Why is Odysseus' journey away from Calypso's island difficult?

Poseidon causes a storm.

What does Ino give to Odysseus?

Poseidon sees Odysseus and creates a storm to destroy his ship. Ino gives Odysseus a veil that will protect him after the ship is wrecked.

Where does Poseidon go at the beginning of the odyssey?

Book five of the Odyssey is Poseidon's first appearance. All of the gods except Poseidon meet at Olympus to discuss Odysseus's fate. Poseidon is angry that Odysseus escaped Calypso's island and creates a storm to sink his ship.

Does Ino calm Poseidon's storm in the book four of the Odysseus?

No, Ino does not have the power to calm the storms.

Why did Odysseus's boat sink in book 5 of the odyssey?

Poseidon got mad that the gods let Odysseus leave Calypso's island. So in order to make Odysseus's travel worse, Poseidon creates a storm sending Odysseus under water along with his raft.

Who causes the storm that nearly kills odysseus while he is on the raft on bis way to the island of the phaeacians?


Why did Odysseus talk to Poseidon?

Odysseus did not talk directly to Poseidon.

How did Poseidon have an impact on Odysseus?

Poseidon hated Odysseus. He tried to delay Odysseus' homecoming. Poseidon hated him because Odysseus blinded one of his Polythemous.

Who comes to help Odysseus in the storm?

If you are referring to the storm that Poseidon evokes after Odysseus' departure from Calypso's island, Ogygia; it was a dual effort of Ino and Athena. Ino helped him by putting a protective veil over him. Athena helped by stopping the winds from attacking Odysseus.

Why is Poseidon angry with Odysseus in the story Odysseus?

Because Odysseus had blinded Poseidon's son(the cyclopse)

What did Poseidon to the ship that returned Odysseus to Ithaca?

He sent storms and contrary winds to inhibit their journey home.