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He did not say anything to Poseidon; rather, he blinded Polyphemus, the god's cyclops son, because of his pride (his hubris) Odysseus revealed his true identity to the cyclops, and in return Polyphemus told his father (the resulting hamartia.)

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Q: What did Odysseus say that angered Poseidon?
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Why did the cyclops say that Poseidon was his father?

Since Poseidon was Polyphemus' father, when Odysseus blinded Polyphemus, Poseidon was angered at Odysseus.

What did Obysseus say that angered Poseidon god of the sea?

It is not what he said, it is what he did. Odysseus blinded the cyclops son of the sea god Poseidon.

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because he angered the god Poseidon.

Could Odysseus have been a hero and king without the aid of the goddess Athena?

No. Athena's great wisdom help Odysseus get past Poseidon If she did not help him Odysseus would have been lost at sea because he blinded Poseidon's kid, Polyphemus and that angered Poseidon.

Why were the Gods angry at Odysseus?

I believe this answer can found in the odyessy by Homer.They angered him by killing and eating his immortal cattle.

Why did Odysseus talk to Poseidon?

Odysseus did not talk directly to Poseidon.

How did Poseidon have an impact on Odysseus?

Poseidon hated Odysseus. He tried to delay Odysseus' homecoming. Poseidon hated him because Odysseus blinded one of his Polythemous.

Why is Poseidon angry with Odysseus in the story Odysseus?

Because Odysseus had blinded Poseidon's son(the cyclopse)

Why had Odysseus not yet returned home from the Trojan war?

Odysseus had not yet returned home from the Trojan War because he had angered the god Poseidon. Poseidon placed many obstacles in Odysseus way so he would be unable to return to his home.

Does Poseidon have a son named Odysseus?

No, Poseidon does not have a son named Odysseus. Odysseus is the son of Laertes and Anticlea. Poseidon is one of the major Greek gods and is the god of the sea and earthquakes.

What was the reason of Poseidon's wrath over Odysseus?

Poseidon was on the side of the Trojans, Odysseus was not. Odysseus also blinded Poseidon's son, a Cyclops... whose name I will not attempt to spell.

What were Poseidon's weaknesses?

Poseidon's weaknesses included being easily angered, holding grudges, and failing to control his temper at times. Additionally, he could be outwitted by clever mortals, such as Odysseus in Homer's "The Odyssey."