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Q: What did Pete mean when he said when he was made the mold was broke call of the wild?
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What do you call someone you date after a breakup?

If you mean by you dated someone, then broke up it's ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend or just ex. If you mean you dated someone, broke up, and then started dating again its girlfriend or boyfriend.

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What does pete stand and mean?

His opinion.

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"John broke the news to his father" means that John made known to his father some new or important information.

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It means he wants space from you and is nicely telling you that he does not want you calling and will not be talking to you or seeing you.

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Franklin Washire broke it, he didn't mean to, and he apologized profusely.

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you would get punished. they would kill you.

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a monkey puppet made from a sock.

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you broke it

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They broke.

If your ex say leave me alone they mean it?

If you broke up with them, they probably don't mean it, and they are just saying it for attention. If they broke up with you, yeah, they probably mean it.

What does dead broke mean?

It means that you are totally out of funds - you are past just being broke.