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she doesnt believe melinda she thinks that she is jealous about her going out with andy

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Q: What did Rachel do when Melinda told her what Andy Evans did to her during the summer?
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Why is Melinda nervous about telling Rachel about Andy Evans?

Melinda is nervous about telling Rachel about Andy Evans because Andy raped Melinda at a party over the summer, and she is afraid of how Rachel will react. Melinda is worried that Rachel may not believe her or may blame her for what happened, so she is hesitant to share her traumatic experience.

Who are the main characters in the book Speak?

Melinda Sordino David Pertakis Mr.Freeman Andy Evans Heather Rachel

Why did Rachel stop talking to Melinda from the book Speak?

Rachel stopped talking to Melinda because she believed the rumor that Melinda called the cops to the party, leading to many people getting in trouble. Rachel didn't want to associate with someone who seemed to betray their friends.

Does Melinda ever tell Rachel what Andy evens did to her that the book Speak?

In the book "Speak" by Laurie Halse Anderson, Melinda eventually reveals to Rachel that Andy Evans, also known as IT, raped her at a party. This confession is a turning point in Melinda's healing process, as she begins to confront her trauma and find her voice.

Who was Andy Evans?

Andy Evans was a senior who raped melinda sordino in the book speak at an end of the summer part right before melinda started high school. She often refers to him as IT or The Beast in the book. Its an awsome book, i would read it.

Who is Rachel in Speak the novel?

Rachel is the former best friend of the protagonist, Melinda, in the novel Speak. Their friendship deteriorates as Rachel becomes more interested in social status and popularity, while Melinda becomes isolated and withdrawn after experiencing a traumatic event at a party. Their strained relationship reflects the theme of alienation and the difficulties of communication.

Who was Andy Evans in Speak?

Andy Evans, also known as "IT", is a popular senior at Melinda's high school in the novel Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson. He is the antagonist who sexually assaults Melinda at a party, leaving her traumatized and unable to speak about the incident.

When was Rachel Held Evans born?

Rachel Held Evans was born on 1981-06-08.

In the book speak who is it?

"IT" is Andy "Beast", or Andy Evans, the guy who attacked Melinda.

When does Melinda refer to herself as an animal in Speak?

Melinda refers to herself as an animal during a discussion in art class with her teacher Mr. Freeman. She compares herself to a wounded deer in the woods.

What animal does Melinda compare Andy Evans to in the book Speak?

Melinda compares Andy Evans to a wolf in the book Speak. She sees him as a predatory and dangerous figure, much like how she perceives a wolf.

Who are the main characters in the book speak and a brief description of them?

The main character in the book "Speak" is Melinda Sordino, a high school freshman who stops speaking after a traumatic experience. Other important characters include Melinda's former best friend Rachel, the new girl Heather, and the art teacher Mr. Freeman. Each character plays a role in Melinda's journey to heal and find her voice.