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a sleigh

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Q: What did Santa ride in the Santa Claus movie while in Finland?
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Related questions

What language does the word Santa Claus come from?

The word "Santa Claus" comes from the Dutch term "Sinterklaas," which is a shortened form of Sint Nikolaas, meaning Saint Nicholas.

When does the gifts Santa Claus gives appear?

Christmas Eve while you sleep.

What is Santa Claus's name in Finland?

Finnish for Santa Claus is Joulupukki, and Finnish is an extremely phonetic language so you just pronounce every letter. The thing that trips most people is that J is pronounced like the Y in Yo. Brief phonetic guide: YO-lu-puk-ki emphasis on first syllable and a slight elongation of k on doubled consonant. No breaks in pronunciation of word, the dashes are there just to show syllabic division.

Would the moon affect santa Claus and his elves while flying?

No, the moon doesn't affect Santa and his elves. There are several reasons for this, the least being that Santa doesn't do his rounds while in space.

What would one use a Santa Claus tracker for?

Santa Claus trackers are used to entertain children on Christmas Eve as they can watch Santa's journey all round the world while he delivers their presents. The best known tracker is from NORAD.

What is Mrs Claus' job or what does she do?

She provides the food for Santa Claus and maintains the home while he is gone. She also does spy missions and goes trick or treating. Not only that, but she also takes over if Santa Claus is sick during any Christmas.( That is a secret and never tell that to a kid because it will give them nightmares if Santa Claus was a woman for Christmas)-THE ANALYZATION IN FLERISK TOWN

What happens to santa after Christmas?

He goes home to the north pole to pick up mrs Claus then they go on vacation for a while.

What do elves have to do with Christmas?

They are part of the whole fantasy of Santa Claus and his delivery of presents all over the world in one night. They make the gifts while Santa Claus checks his nice/naughty list of children. Instead of real men and women, they are mythical magical creatures that work along side Santa.

How do you say 'Santa Claus' in Australia?

In Australia, Santa is best known as Santa Claus, and less commonly referred to as "Father Christmas" and "Saint Nick." He will come while children are sleeping and will put presents under the tree. Usually, people will leave a glass of milk along with cookies, and sometimes carrots for the reindeer.

What was santas Claus real name?

Nicholas. Claus is a German nickname for Nicholas. They called him Santa Claus while in English he was properly called Saint Nicholas. The Americans adopted the German nickname for him. The English called him "Father Christmas".

What do you think Mrs. Claus does on Christmas Eve while Santa's out with the sleigh?

sleep, bake cookies, watch tv, drink/party

Does Santa Claus have a Mrs Claus?

No, Mrs Claus is Santa's Wife, she has White hair tied back in a bun, a long red and green dress who waves Santa off on Christmas Eve. Some People think the Elves are their Children, and the reindeer are their pets. Some Believe Santa was born on Christmas Day in 000,0000000bc. legend has it that Santa died in his house while giving a little girl a doll in the Victorian Times, and his ghost still emergies at Christmas.