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Oskar Schindler was a member of the Nazi party. He was rich and could get a lot of things from people higher ranked than him. At the time, Jews were being sent off to Labour and Concentration camps. Oskar Schindler opened and Enamel factory where able Jews were hired to work. The would earn the things they needed to live while making pots and pans for Nazi soldiers. Working at the factory saved this group of Jews from death or torture.

There was a point where these "Schindler Jews" were sent by Schindler to his hometown on separate trains, women on one and men on the other. The train with the men on it got safely to Schindler's hometown. However, a mistake was made and the women ended up at Auschwitz, the most infamous death camp. These woman were nearly killed, but Schindler managed to save them just in time.

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Q: What did Schindler have to do with the Holocaust?
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Oskar Schindler, someone who ended up saving 1,100 people during the Holocaust by employing them in his factories.

Was oskar schindler a member of the Holocaust?

We weren't aware that it was a club.Oskar Schindler lived during the time of the Holocaust, and for his actions was named to the "Righteous among the World's Nations" (an honor given to non-Jews who risked their lives to save Jews during the Holocaust).I don't think that makes him a "member of the Holocaust," though.

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The works of the Nazi during the Holocaust influenced Oskar.

Do you have any Holocaust videos?

Better watch the movie Schindler's List. Also: * The TV miniseries "Holocaust" * Claude Lanzmann, "Shoah"

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In Noah's Ark Noah saves many animals from being killed by a flood. In Schindler's Ark Schindler saves many Jews from being killed in the Holocaust

Was the movie schindlers list accurate to the actually Holocaust?

Yes, the movie Schindler's list includes many actual events that occured during the holocaust. It is based mostly on Oskar Schindler and his humanity, but it does touch on things that actually did occur during the holocaust. There are a few historical inaccuracies in the movie but in general it is a good source of information about the holocaust and its included events.

What is the role of Oskar Schindler in Schindler's List?

Oskar Schindler worked for Adolf Hitler as a Nazi during the holocaust during WWII. He saved aprox. 1.1 thousand Jews by sending them to freedom and comfort in Poland where he had a factory.

What are some cases dealing with the holocaust?

For true stories look into Anne Frank and Oscar Schindler.

Did anyone die in Oskar Schindler's factory during the holocaust?

yes, people were constantly dieing.

What describes who was prosecuted in the holocaust?

Go to the library and check a book out or buy the movie "The Schindler's List."