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Sir Alexander Fleming was a Scottish biologist, pharmacologist and botanist. He is best known for his discovery of the enzyme lysozyme in 1923 and the antibiotic substance penicillin grown from mould in 1928.

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Q: What did Sir Alexander Fleming greatest contribute to Science?
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Where did Alexander Fleming do his work?

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Why did Alexander Fleming get a Nobel Science Prize?

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How did Alexander Fleming become interested in science?

he naturally liked science. He enjoyed it and he was a doctor. Fleming was very intelligent because with a distinction to be a doctor.

What is the contribution of Alexander Fleming in the field of science?

He discovered antibiotic that is pencilline

What was the contribution of of Alexander Fleming in the science of biology?

Alexander Fleming's best-known discoveries are the enzyme lysozyme in 1923 and the world's first antibiotic substance benzylpenicillin.

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