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Trotsky believed as well as Lenin did that if a communist / socialist government is to come to power (USSR) it should openly support and interfere with every conflict and help the communist factions to try to spread communism internationally. Stalin believed that too but when he came to power he changed his view, He openly wrote books talking about the possible failures of Marx and Lenin. Stalin believed that a communist / socialist country should try to create a utopia where life was so good for all citizens that all other countries in the world would want to follow that belief and convert to communism themselves.

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Q: What did Stalin and trotsky disagree on?
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Was Stalin after Trotsky?

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Where Stalin and trosky friends?

No in fact they were enemies, that's why trotsky was killed by the CIA. Stalin was jealous of trotsky.

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Leon Trotsky accused Joseph Stalin of being a tyrant and demanded democracy. Although Lenin wanted Trotsky to assume leadership after his death, Stalin's supporters out-maneuvered Trotsky. Stalin suppressed Lenin's will and manipulated Trotsky out of his post of Commissioner of War as well as out of the Politburo.

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Joseph Stalin opposed Trotsky in their struggle for power after Vladimir Lenin died in 1924.

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Stalin exiled him and had him killed

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Trotsky and Stalin's interpretations of Marxism differed greatly because Stalin was a Bolshevik while Trotsky was a Menshevik.

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Trotsky was mad at Stalin because he did not have a major role in the Russian Revolution.

What did Stalin do to Trotsky?

He had him exile and then assassinated.

Who rivaled for control of the communist party when Lenin died?

The main persons vying for power were Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin. There were others, such as Grigori Zinoviev and Nikolai Bukharin, but the first battle was between Trotsky and Stalin. Lenin favored Trotsky over Stalin, but Stalin was too entrenched in the Communist Party for Trotsky to win that struggle.

Why was Trotsky exiled from Russia?

Leon Trotsky posed a threat to Joseph Stalin's hold on the power in Russia after Lenin's death. Many Bolshevik leaders supported Trotsky's philosophy of "permanent revolution" while others supported Stalin's policy of "socialism in one country." Stalin allied himself with Grigory Zinoviev and Lev Kamenev against Trotsky and eventually had enough people loyal to him to expel Trotsky from the Communist Party. Trotsky continued to criticize Stalin and tried to line up support against Stalin. Stalin knew the only way to completely eliminate Trotsky as a rival would be to get him out of the country entirely, so Trotsky was exiled to Turkey.Trotsky was exiled because of his opposition to Stalin.The excuse Stalin gave for the exile of Trotsky was that he did not go to Lenins funeral-but Stalin idid not invite him to the funeral.

How was Trotsky treated by Stalin?

Poorly, in fact he was assassinated on Stalin's orders.

Who was campaigning against Stalin?

Stalin's biggest rival was Leon Trotsky.