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Joseph Stalin created not only an effective communist state, he created a totalitarian state too. He was a feared leader that intimidated the masses with death and imprisonment.

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Nuclear missiles, a giant military, a fallout shelter.

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Q: What did Stalin create?
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Did Stalin create the NEP?

no stupid. it was lenin.

What type of economic system did Joseph Stalin create?

Stalin ruled over a state capitalist system, but he didn’t create it.

what did stalin create for people who disagreed with the government?

The gulags

What two revolutions did Stalin create in 1928?

Joseph Stalin was the General Secretary for the Communist Party from 1922 until 1953. He was a part of the Great Turn or Stalin Revolution.

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Joseph Stalin did not create the Soviet Union. Vladimir Lenin did that.

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Joseph Stalin tried to create a classless society in Russia by having the government own all resources. He also had people start a revolution against the middle class and capitalists.

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There's some confusion here. The Berlin Wall was built over eight years after Stalin's death ...

What meathods did Stalin use to create a totalitarian state?

the use of violence and terror to control his population

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no... Proletariat is created from class disparity it existed at the time of the Tsar

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He wanted to prevent an invasion.

What was one of Stalin's major goals in eastern Europe after World War 2?

To create a protective buffer zone of friendly governments.

Russian ruler during the 1930s?

Joseph Stalin was the Russian ruler from the mid-1920's until he died in 1953. Under Stalin, the state controlled all aspects of Russian's life. Threats of labor camps deterred the people from breaking the rules. Stalin's aim was to create the perfect communist society.