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After Leo and Stargirl's first kiss, Stargirl tacked a bedsheet up on a post at school with the words "Stargirl loves Leo" on it, in large red painted letters.

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Q: What did Stargirl write in big red letters?
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by the HxD go to google and click download HxD for free

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to make the letters bold <b> to make the letters small <small> to make the letters big <big> or <font size=#> to make the letters a color <font color=red,green,ect> to stop making the letters bold </b>after any word or sentence ect. to stop making the letters small </small> to stop making the letters a color </font color=red,green,ect> to underline <u>

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Star girl isa girl with sand-colored hair, and wears Indian pleat out fits. If that helps.

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Red Letters - 2006 is rated/received certificates of: Japan:PG-12

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