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Acronyms yes as was the bloke who asked about dive bomber- very close as this was the Stuka"s role- Short trajectoryCombatant aircraft- or short assault aircraft the blend word Stutz kampf could be rendered- close combat or close-assault. literally Dive Bomber would be TaucherBombenflugzeug- Dive bombing aircraft, and the Germans did not use this moniker, preferring Stuka for the Junkers JU-87 in a Power On dive, these things could hit 400 JMPH before hitting the red buttons and pulling out. specially calibrated sights and cameras were used to record strikes. The Bent wing enhanced the dive velocity but not level flight speed, it was like a counterweight on a crane in that sense. Engines wee essentially way-modified 400Hp Mercedes Benz Truck motors adapted to aircraft role- and liquid cooled all V-l2s.

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Q: What did Stuka- yes an acronym like FLAK stand for in the Luftwaffe planes?
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