

What did Thomson discovered?

Updated: 10/19/2021
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6y ago

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The electron

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Bailee Hand

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Q: What did Thomson discovered?
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What did Thomson prove?

J. Thomson discovered the electron.

What subatomic particle was first discovered?

The electron was the first subatomic particle to be discovered in 1897 by J.J. Thomson through his cathode ray tube experiments.

Which scientist(s) discovered the electron?

John Joseph Thomson (J.J. Thomson)

What are Thomson accomplishments?

he discovered electrons

The electron was discovered by who?

JJ Thomson

What did Thomson discover in the atom?

JJ Thomson discovered electrons, which showed that atoms are not indivisible.

Who discovered CRT?

cathode ray-tube was discovered by J.J. thomson.

Electrons were discovered in 1896 by?

J.J. Thomson.

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J.J. Thomson

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J.J. Thomson

Who discovered properties of electrons?

Joseph john Thomson

What was Joseph J. Thomson's contribution to chemistry?

J. J. Thomson discovered the electron and the isotopes.