

What did USSR have to do with the Cuban missile crisis?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Russia and the United States were "Cold War" enemies. Soviet Russia supplied nuclear missiles to Cuba. Cuba is only 90 miles from the coast of the United States. Russia's reasons for supplying Cuba with nuclear capability... (You Decide)

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Q: What did USSR have to do with the Cuban missile crisis?
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USSR was placing IRBMs with nuclear warheads in Cuba.

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The Cuban missile crisis was resolved by the USSR agreeing to remove its missiles from Cuba and the United States agreeing to remove its missiles from Turkey.

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The Cuban missile crisis started on October 16, 1962

What do the Cubans call the Cuban Missile Crisis?

The missile crisis

What was the cause of the cuban missile crisis?

Soviets were establishing nuclear missile sites in Cuba.

Bay of Pigs or Cuban missile crisis which was worse?

Cuban missile crisis, because it almost killed us.

How did the Cuban missile crisis affect relations between the US and the USSR?

the Cuban Missile Crisis affected Cuba because after the U.S. blockaded Cuba and prevented Cuba from receiving or giving trade goods, the economy dwindled until it got to the point that Cuba couldn't afford launching the missile that the soviet union gave them.

Why did they do the Cuban missile crisis?

The event occured due to the US supported leader, Batista, being overthrown by Fidel Castro, who showed his sympathy towards the USSR. In the midst of the ongoing tension between the US and the USSR, the Soviets built missile launchers in Cuba pointed at the US, further increasing tension and eventually, making up the Cuban Missile Crisis.