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a butt

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Annabel Jacobs

Lvl 13
2y ago
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Q: What did Washington's response prove about the young nation?
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Private peaceful shows that while young men go to war to prove themselves all they really prove is the futility of war Do You Agree?

The fact is that young men are usually coned into going to war to prove themselves the majority of them would rather not have any thing to do with it. at least not when they have had a taste of it.

Why do they run whith the bulls?

It allows young men to prove their virility to the ladies.

Where are juvenile offenders sent?

It depends on how young, what they did, and what state and/or nation they are in.

How did Young Americans response in JFK's challenge?

they became involved in politics

Who created King Tutankhamun's throne?

a friend of his called tazania he was very young and died as well at a young age but scientists cannot prove this

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