

Century - 1700s

Century-1700s refers to the years from 1701 to 1800. During this time period, the 13 British colonies, in what would eventually become the United States, rebelled against British rule, the French experienced complete social and political upheaval during the French Revolution and the steam engine was patented in Great Britain marking the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in that country.

1,984 Questions

What were hot air balloons used for in the 1700s and 1800's?

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Hot air balloons were primarily used for entertainment, scientific experiments, and military reconnaissance in the 1700s and 1800s. They were not very practical for transportation because of their limited control and reliance on favorable wind conditions.

Why has the cost of eyeglasses decreased since the 1700s?

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The cost of eyeglasses has decreased since the 1700s due to advancements in technology and manufacturing processes. The availability of cheaper materials and mass production techniques have also contributed to lower costs. Additionally, increased competition in the eyewear industry has driven prices down.

What did david bushnell invent in 1775?

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David Bushnell invented the submarine in 1775. He created the vessel, called the Turtle, for military use during the American Revolutionary War. The Turtle was designed to be operated by one person and used to attach explosives to enemy ships.

Who were the famous scientists of the 1700s?

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Some famous scientists of the 1700s include Isaac Newton, who made significant contributions to physics and mathematics; Carl Linnaeus, known for his work in taxonomy and biological classification; and Antoine Lavoisier, often referred to as the "Father of Modern Chemistry" for his foundational work in the field.

How did they make candles in the 1700's?

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In the 1700s, candles were typically made by repeatedly dipping a wick into melted tallow or beeswax until the desired thickness was achieved. The process required patience and skill to create evenly burning candles. Once the candles were formed, they were allowed to cool and harden before being ready for use.

How were houses lighted in the 18th century?

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In the 18th century, houses were lighted using candles, oil lamps, and sometimes fireplaces. Wealthier households might also use rushlights or early forms of gas lighting. Lighting was typically dim and posed a fire hazard, so it was used sparingly.

What are some obstacles that women in the 1600s and 1700s faced in being accepted as scientists?

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During the 1600s and 1700s, women faced significant obstacles in being accepted as scientists due to societal norms that limited their education and participation in academic circles. They were often excluded from formal scientific institutions and denied access to academic resources, making it difficult for them to gain recognition for their work. Additionally, prevailing beliefs about women's intellectual capabilities and roles in society contributed to the challenges they faced in pursuing scientific careers.

Who was the most important person in 1700's?

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There were many important figures in the 1700s, but some notable ones include George Washington, who played a significant role in the American Revolution and became the first President of the United States, and Voltaire, a prominent French philosopher and writer known for his advocacy of freedom of speech and religious tolerance.

How do techniques used to map ocean currents today differ from those used in the late 1700s?

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Today, ocean currents are mapped using satellite technology, underwater gliders, and buoys equipped with sensors to measure temperature and salinity. In the late 1700s, mapping ocean currents involved observations made by ships at sea, using methods like timed drifts and floating objects. The technology and data collection methods have evolved significantly over the years, leading to more accurate and detailed maps of ocean currents.

How do technies used to map ocean currents today differ from those used in the 1700s?

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Today, technies (technology-enabled buoys) use satellite technology to map ocean currents with high precision and accuracy in real time. In the 1700s, sailors relied on visual observations, logbooks, and sea charts to estimate and track ocean currents, which were less precise and often variable due to limited technology.

How is the classification process used by modern taxonomists different from the methods used by Linnaeus in the 1700s?

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Modern taxonomists use more advanced techniques such as DNA sequencing, comparative genomics, and bioinformatics in the classification process, which allows for a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of evolutionary relationships. In contrast, Linnaeus relied primarily on morphology and physical characteristics to classify organisms in the 1700s, which may not always reflect the true evolutionary relationships among species.

Who was the most powerful European country in the 1700s?

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In the 1700s, the most powerful European country was generally considered to be either France or Great Britain. France under Louis XIV was dominant in the early part of the century, while Great Britain's power grew significantly throughout the century, especially with its victories in the Seven Years' War.

What are the differences between caloric and kinetic theories of heat in the 18th century?

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In the 18th century, the caloric theory suggested that heat was a fluid substance called "caloric" that flowed from hotter bodies to colder ones. On the other hand, the kinetic theory proposed that heat was due to the motion of particles within a substance. The kinetic theory eventually replaced the caloric theory as a more accurate explanation of heat transfer.

Why did iron and steel become cheaper in the 18th century?

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Iron and steel became cheaper in the 18th century due to advancements in technology, particularly the development of the blast furnace and the process of smelting iron ore with coke. These innovations increased production efficiency and lowered costs, making iron and steel more affordable. Additionally, the discovery of new iron ore deposits and improved transportation networks further contributed to the drop in prices.

How did muslim merchants expand the world trade network at the end of the fifteenth century?

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Muslim merchants expanded the world trade network at the end of the fifteenth century by establishing trading outposts and networks across Asia, Africa, and Europe. They utilized established land and sea routes to connect distant regions, facilitating the exchange of goods, ideas, and cultures. The development of financial tools like bills of exchange and partnerships allowed them to conduct business efficiently and securely across multiple regions.

What were the natural resource in Pennsylvania in the 1700s?

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In the 1700s, Pennsylvania's natural resources included timber, coal, iron ore, and fertile agricultural land. These resources played a crucial role in the economic development of the state during that time, fueling industries such as iron and steel production, agriculture, and shipbuilding.

What happened in the late 1700s that caused more harmful substances to enter the air water and soil?

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The Industrial Revolution in the late 1700s led to the rapid growth of factories and increased use of coal and other fossil fuels, releasing more harmful substances into the air, water, and soil. This period marked a shift towards more industrial activities and manufacturing processes that significantly impacted the environment.

What was the trash house used for in the 18th century for sugar production?

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The trash house in 18th-century sugar production was typically used to store bagasse, the fibrous residue left over after sugarcane crushing. Bagasse was often burned as fuel to power the sugar mill operations, providing energy for boiling the sugarcane juice to make sugar and for other processes in the production of sugar and rum.

Why was sugar considered so valuable in 1763?

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In 1763, sugar was considered valuable due to its scarcity and high demand. It was a luxury item that symbolized wealth and status. The labor-intensive process of sugar production also contributed to its high value.

Which were the elements discovered in 18Th century?

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Some of the elements discovered in the 18th century include oxygen by Joseph Priestley in 1774, nitrogen by Daniel Rutherford in 1772, and hydrogen by Henry Cavendish in 1766. Additionally, elements like phosphorus and barium were also discovered during this period.

What was urine used for in the 1700s?

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In the 1700s, urine was commonly used for various purposes, such as cleaning fabrics (due to its ammonia content), tanning leather, and even in some cases as a source of gunpowder production. It was also sometimes used in medicinal remedies and for bleaching products.

Why was there a keen interest in a good method of classifyng plants in the 1700s?

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During the 1700s, there was a growing interest in classifying plants because of the need to organize and understand the vast number of plant species being discovered around the world. A good method of classification was essential to help scientists communicate effectively, study plant relationships, and develop a systematic approach to understanding and categorizing the diversity of plant life. This eventually led to the development of binomial nomenclature by Carl Linnaeus, which revolutionized the field of botany.

Why was there a keen interest in a good method of classifying plants in the 1700's?

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There was a keen interest in a good method of classifying plants in the 1700s to bring order and organization to the vast number of plant species being discovered during the Age of Exploration. The development of a systematic classification system would help scientists better understand and communicate information about plants, facilitating research and botanical studies.

Was there perfume in the 1700s?

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Yes, perfume has been around since ancient times, but the use and popularity increased significantly in the 18th century. Perfumes during the 1700s were typically made with natural ingredients like flowers, herbs, and spices. Royal families and the elite were known for having their signature scents created by perfumers during this time.

Scientific discoveries of 1700's?

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Some significant scientific discoveries of the 1700s include the development of the theory of gravitation by Isaac Newton, the classification of living organisms by Carl Linnaeus, and the discovery of oxygen by Joseph Priestley. These discoveries laid the foundation for modern physics, biology, and chemistry.