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Q: What did Washington response to whiskey tax?
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What led to the whiskey rebelloion?

The Whiskey Rebellion was a rebellion of farmers from Pennsylvania to Georgia. It was in response to the tax put on whiskey. The farmers were upset because they thought the whiskey was an important good. So, they rebelled against the tax. George Washington sent an army down to calm the rebellion.

Washington sent troops to stop this protest of a whiskey tax?

I believe that the answer is The Whiskey Rebellion

What precedent did Washington establish during the whiskey rebellion?

takeing tax off whiskey.

What tax caused a rebellion during Washington's presidency?


What was a response to an unpopular excise tax imposed by the federal government?

Whiskey Rebellion

What was Alexander Hamilton's response to the french revolution?

he proposed a debt plan which led to a tax on whiskey and that led to the whiskey rebellion

What was evident by president Washington response to the whiskey rebellion?

declaration of martial law

What event was a response to an unpopular excise tax imposed by federal government?

Whiskey Rebellion

What event was a response to an unpopular excise tax imposed by the federal government?

Whiskey Rebellion

What was Washington's response to the whiskey rebellion?

in 1794 president Washington sent nearly 15,000 troops to crush the whiskey rebellion. Sebastian Aguirre

What did Hamilton have to do with the Whiskey rebellion?

Alexander Hamilton played a significant role in the Whiskey Rebellion as the secretary of the treasury. He proposed an excise tax on whiskey to help repay the national debt, which sparked opposition and resistance from whiskey distillers in western Pennsylvania. Hamilton supported a strong response, including sending federal troops to quell the rebellion, asserting federal authority and demonstrating the power of the new government under the Constitution.

How did Washington and Hamilton enforce the whiskey tax?

George Washington and Alexander Hamilton enforced the whiskey tax by sending an army of 13,000 soldiers to western Pennsylvania, causing the rebels to flee and showing that the government had the power to enforce its laws.