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Like a group of people. The word translated "church" in many Bibles is really the Greek word for "congregation" and was referring to a gathering of true, spirit-anointed Christians. It never refers to the building in which they met, which most frequently was someone's home.

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Q: What did a church look like during biblical times?
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The southern portion of the United States, traditionally contained, and to this day contains pastors who teach biblical text to church goers. In Northern church systems, most are structured like the Catholic church and do not teach biblical text. These structured church systems teach from the book of common prayer and weekly sermons, expounded upon by the priest. Therefore the people who learn from traditional, southern church pastors are very knowledgable of the biblical text.

Who are the biblical figures that the church focuses on during Advent?

Those figures who have helped prepare the way for the coming of Jesus. This differs from church to church because each church takes on its own biblical figures according to its own culture and community. During Advent, a common symbol used is the Jesse tree. The Jesse tree has many different biblical figures who have helped to pave the way for the coming of the lord (as prophecised by Isaiah). Some of these characters are ancestors of Jesus such as David and Solomon; other characters are important Jewish figures like Moses and Abraham. This again differs from parish to parish. A main figure often referenced to during advent is John the Baptist who was 'the lone voice crying out in the wilderness' as prophecised by Isaiah, and prepared the people of his day for Jesus' arrival.

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It's because they wanted things done a different way--they felt the Church wasn't following biblical commands strongly enough.

How many times is the church mentioned in the Bible?

By its name in the New Testament - Church of God - usually @ a location like Jerusalem - about a dozen times.

What animal is not mentioned in the Bible?

The Bible does not mention any specific mention of animals like kangaroos. The absence of certain animals in biblical texts may be due to geographical and cultural factors, as the Bible primarily focuses on the flora and fauna found in the regions around the Mediterranean Sea.

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We have to live by faith, not by knowledge.

Why does the Catholic Church ban women from using products like Tampax during their period?

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The combination of church and state influenced what?

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Did girls have to go to school in colonial new york?

No, they were taught by their mothers just like in Biblical times. They were taught things such as sewing, housekeeping, and home economics.

What is the Biblical Meaning for Michael?

He who is like God!