

What did a homo sapein eat?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: What did a homo sapein eat?
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The genus species of an animal is their scientific name. humans scientific name is "homo sapein". therefore, our genus is "homo" and our species is "sapein". so find out its scientific name, and you'll have the answer.

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you mean the binomial nomenclature naming system, like how humans are referred to as Homo sapein? That was Carl Linnaeus. Two named system containing a genus (Homo in the example above) and a species name (sapien)

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Is neanderthal brain is larger than homo sapien brain?

On average, Neanderthal brains were slightly larger than those of Homo sapiens. However, brain size is not the only factor determining intelligence, as the structure and organization of the brain are also important. Some studies suggest that Homo sapiens had more advanced cognitive abilities due to their brain organization.

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Homo erectus mostly ate animals, wild fruit, and/or plants.

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We are the genus homosapian. So the answer is whatever you eat.

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What did homo Neanderthal eat?

They hunted. They hunted meat. They're carnivore's.