

What did a state have to do before entering the Union?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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There are a number of things that a state required to do before entering the union. Some of the main ones include having a constitution, a territory, government and citizens among others.

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Q: What did a state have to do before entering the Union?
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All states must enter the union with the same terms as the original states. A state that was previously apart of another state can not enter the union without consent from the states concerned and of congress.

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All states must enter the union with the same terms as the original states. A state that was previously apart of another state can not enter the union without consent from the states concerned and of congress.

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Under the Missouri Compromise of 1820 Missouri was admitted as a slave state and Maine as a free state.

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The first frontier state to enter the Union was Vermont in 1791.

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Indiana was the 19th state admitted, so 18 states were in the Union before Indiana.

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