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Q: What did affect Jefferson Davis outcome of the war?
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What does the states wanting to secede from the union have to do with the presidency?

They appointed their own President, Jefferson Davis. It was a big factor in the outcome of the war that Davis was no match for Lincoln.

Jefferson Davis served as Secretary of?

Jefferson Davis served as Secretary of War.

How did Jefferson Davis get involved in the war?

Jefferson Davis became the president of the confederate states during the civil war.

What did Jefferson Davis do in civil war?

Jefferson Davis was the President of The Confederate States of America.

How did the civil war affect Jefferson Davis' life?

He was financially ruined,and he had to live off of other people's charity.

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Jefferson Davis

What event was Jefferson Davis in?

Jefferson Davis as the president of the Confederacy was involved in the American Civil War .

Who was the president of the confederency during the civil war?

Jefferson Davis was the President of the Confederate States throughout the Civil War.

Jefferson Davis served as secretary?

Prior to the Civil War, Jefferson Davis was Secretary of War under President John Tyler.

What role in the civil war was Jefferson Davis?

Jefferdon Davis was President of the Confederate States of America

Jefferson Davis serverd as secertery of?

Jefferson Davis was Secretary of War under President Franklin Pierce

Was Jefferson Davis a President during the Civil War?

Jefferson Davis was President of the Confederate States of America .