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take the hippocratic oath

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Q: What did all the doctors have to do because of Hippocrates?
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What do all doctors have to do because of Hippocrates?

take the hippocratic oath

What have Galen learned from doctors such as Hippocrates?

Galen learned from doctors such as Hippocrates about the four humors.

What is the name of the oath taken by doctors?

Medical doctors still take the Hippocratic oath that they will practice honestly, and they use many of the same kinds of instruments as Hippocrates and other Greek doctors did

Did doctors today take an oath written by Hippocrates?

yes they did

Who treated the sick in Ancient Greece?

Doctors, Hippocrates and Asclepius

Who wrote the oath for doctors?

Hippocrates wrote the hippocratic oath

Who discovered brain damage?

Russians Doctors

Doctors today take an oath written by Hippocrates?

yes they did

When did people first start getting medical care?

Hippocrates of Kos ( Hippocrates II), was a Greek physician of the Age of Pericles. Hippocrates is known as the Father of Medicine. The Hippocratic Oath doctors still use, "do no harm," comes from Hippocrates.

What are the impacts of Hippocrates today?

Today's doctors still abide by the Hippocratic oath.

How were injuries treated in ancient Greece?

they had no hippocrates (doctors) so they could not treat it

What are the 5 example of subject verb object object complement?

doctors call hippocrates the father of medicine