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Q: What did ancient China use to start a fire?
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Ancient China spans over 5000 years, which period are we talking about? There was the Bronze age : bronze a mix of copper and tin The Iron age The fire/Guns age: Chinese started use gun powder as early as the 1400's .

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Ancient China.

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How do people start a fire?

take a matchbox and use a stick to start a fire..............

How is Canada the same as ancient china?

Just one thing that's similar is that both ancient china and canada both use ginseng.

What were chariots use for in ancient China?

They were used to get around and in war

Who was first to use an abacus?

Credit is given to the ancient China but it was widely used in the ancient world

What is ancient China?

Ancient China typically meant imperial China, prior to 1911.Modern China begin with the fall of the last imperial government (Qing Empire) in 1911.Ancint china is a place where the Anishiabe people use to live

What kind of tools did they use in ancient china?

They used mainly wood

What was the use of paper in ancient China?

it was used for writing and keeping records