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Q: What did ancient Egyptian government officials eat?
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What did government officials eat in ancient Egypt?

Government Official ate fish,wheat,fruits, and vegetables

What kind of fish did the ancient Egyptian eat?

Egyptian fish

Why did the ancient Egyptian pharaohs eat ribs?

They didn't.

What did ancient Egyptian military leaders eat?

bread and beer

What kinds food did the ancient Egyptian soldiers eat?

You tell me.

What did ancient Egyptian priests eat?

they ate wine and bread

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brown ppl eat chinese food

What did ancient egyptian servants eat?

Usually the leftovers & scraps from what they cooked for the rich people.

How did the ancient Egyptians eat their food?

because the Egyptian haven't invented forks, spoons and knifes yet they had eat with their fingers

What did ancient Egyptian princesses eat?

don't use this site people write random things on it like i just did

Did aincient Egyptian eat pigs?

Ancient Egyptians probably didn't eat pigs for they ate mostly the grain that they grew, and the fish from the Nile river

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what did a Egyptian nobleman eat