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Q: What did ancient greek slaves eat?
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What were slaves in sparter called?

Assuming you mean `Sparta´, the ancient Greek State, the slaves there were called Helots.

Did all Ancient Greek city states allow slaves?

No. Not all Ancient greek city states allow slaves b/c the laws are different and some rich people don't need slaves or don't have the money to afford one

What did Ancient Greek slaves do for recreation?

Slaves don't have recreation nor days off. They are property of the owner and do what they are told.

How do you say to eat in ancient greek?


Did both slaves and citizens go to an ancient greek theatre?

No. Only male citizens.

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What did slaves in Ancient Rome eat?

they usually ate rice and bread .-.

What is a name of ancient greek who wrote a group of fables?

The slave was Aesop, who was credited as being the author of Aesop's Fables or the Aesopica.

What did the ancient Greece slaves do if they worked in the house?

Ancient Greek slaves in the home would work as entertainers, cleaners, cooks, nannies, wet-nurses, workshop workers and clothes washer.

How could Ancient Greek slaves obtain their freedom?

They couldn't unless they became a warrior or died

What did slaves in Ancient China eat?

dog meat ,people ,houses, cocroaches

Were greek treating as slaves or did they take people as slaves?

Slavery was endemic and practised by almost everyone during the age of ancient Greece. Ancient Greeks were taken as slave by others and took people as slaves of other nation city/states