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Anne Frank wrote in her diary that the Jews who did not go into hiding were being arrested, sent to concentration camps, and faced the risk of being killed during the Holocaust.

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Q: What did anne say they did to the Jews that did not go into hiding?
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What happened to the Jews who did not go into hiding in the book anne frank?

Jews who did not go into hiding were caught and sent to concentration or death camps.

What does Anne Frank report about Jews in Holland who were not able to go into hiding?


Why did anne Frank's family moved?

Because it was the time of the holocaust and they were Jews. Since Jews were being killed, they had to go into hiding.

What caused Anne's family to go into hiding?

The Nazis were taking Jews prisoner and executing them. Anne's family didn't want to die, so they went into hiding in the secret annex.

Why did anne frank go into hididng?

The family went into hiding because the Nazis's were arresting Jews and they didn't want to die.

Why did annes frank go into hiding?

Anne Frank and her family went into hiding on July 6, 1942 to avoid being taken to a concentration camp with many other Jews.

How old was Anne Frank when she had to go into hiding?

Anne was 13 when she went into hiding, and 15 when she was discovered.

What was the importance of anne frank?

she was the young girl who went into hiding after Hitler and his men starting taking Jews from everywhere....including right off the streets. Anne's father, Otto knew that he had to protect his family so he decided to go into hiding.

Did anne frank go into hiding on her birthday?

no she went into hiding just after.

Why did anne frank family go in to hidden?

They went into Hiding because Hitler and all the Germans were taking all the Jews into concentration camps and killing them

How did anne's father try to prepare his family to go into hiding?

To prepare his family to go into hiding, Anne Frank's father started stocking and storing items the family would need in hiding. When Anne's sister received a notice to go into labor service in Germany, the family went in hiding.

How did Anne Frank go into hiding?

Anne Frank's father had planned to go into hiding for months. He told Meip to take Margot to the annex and keep her there until the rest of the family came into hiding with margot.