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Q: What did carnegie believe giving his money to?
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In what business was Andrew Carnegie able to make his millions?

Andrew Carnegie gave 80% of his money away to education. Carnegie thought that education was very important.

Why did Carnegie believe that money should not be left to the families of the decedents?

Carnegie believed that money should not be left to the families of decedents because he thought the money was better spent or given away during a lifetime. He also believed that the people who received the inheritance spent the money foolishly.

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How was Andrew Carnegies money spent?

Andrew Carnegie how he spent his money

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Dose andrearew carnegie how something to do with the carnegie library?

A "Carnegie Library" is any one of the more than 2,500 public libraries in the US which were built with money donated by Scottish-American businessman Andrew Carnegie.

What did both Andrew carnegie and John d. Rockefeller do with their money as they grew older?

Carnegie and Rockefeller donated a lot of their money to public improvement projects. Also, they donated the money to charity. They did it out of philanthropy and out of good will.

Who recived most of Andrew Carnegie's money?

who received most of Andrew Caregie's money

What public libraries carnegie donate his money?

over 2,000

What did Andrew Carnegie do with his money?

used to take care of the poor

How did Andrew Carnegie make is money?

He sold steel to the US.