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Q: What did children play outside or the playground 100 years ago or more?
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Is it kids' playground or kid's playground?

It would be a kids' playground. There will be more than one kid on the playground, so there are kids. Then to make that plural, you would have to ad only an apostrophe and not apostrophe then an "s". Where as if there were only one kid on the playground then it would be a kid's playground, because there would only be one object there. Hope this helped.

What are the benefits of incorporating sensory playground equipment in schools?

Incorporating sensory playground equipment in schools can provide numerous benefits for children of various ages and abilities. Here are some of the key benefits of using sensory playground equipment in schools: Promotes sensory integration: Sensory playground equipment provides various sensory input, such as movement, touch, and balance, to help children develop their sensory integration skills. This can help children regulate their emotions, improve focus, and enhance their learning ability. Encourages physical activity: Sensory playground equipment provides opportunities for children to engage in physical activity, which is beneficial for their health and well-being. This can help reduce the risk of obesity, increase cardiovascular fitness, and develop gross motor skills. Supports social-emotional development: Sensory playground equipment can support children's social-emotional development by providing opportunities to develop social skills, such as taking turns and cooperating with others. Provides inclusive play: Sensory playground equipment can be designed to accommodate children of different abilities, including those with disabilities. This can promote inclusive play and help children develop positive attitudes towards people with different abilities. Enhances imagination and creativity: Sensory playground equipment can inspire children's imagination and creativity. This can help them develop problem-solving skills, spatial awareness, and other cognitive abilities. In conclusion, sensory playground equipment provides many benefits to children of various ages and abilities, from promoting sensory integration and physical activity to supporting social-emotional development and inclusive play. Incorporating sensory playground equipment in schools can create a more engaging and enriching learning environment for all children.

How to Choose the Right Commercial Playground Equipment?

When you hear the term, commercial playground equipment, the words children, fun and safety should come to mind. Used by schools, day cares, parks, community centers, and churches, commercial playground equipment provide physical activities, fun and entertainment for children 2 to 12 years old. Since children are at the delicate stage of their development and require extra care and supervision, commercial playground equipment has to meet certain standards to provide a safe environment for them. The equipment used for playgrounds may include swing sets, slides, play tubes and crawl tunnels. If you are planning to design a new playground, you will definitely need commercial playground equipment. However, when looking for commercial equipment for the playground, there are some guidelines you should follow. •Outline your objectives for the playground such as promoting community involvement, integrating kids of all ages or highlighting a specific theme. •Decide on the age group for which the commercial playground equipment will be designed. The usual age groups are 2-5 years and 5-12. In addition, have an idea as to the number of children you want to be using the equipment at the same time. •Identify where the playground equipment will be located, bearing in mind the space available and the dimensions of the equipment. •Establish a budget, which should not only include the commercial playground equipment but its installation and the preparation of the surface area. •Determine what percentage of the equipment will cater to preschoolers versus school-age children and the suggested amount is 40% and 60% respectively. The Consumer Product Safety Commission recommends separate play areas for each group. •Decide on the type of commercial playground equipment you will use, including interconnected composite play system or freestanding components, such as climbers, spring riders and swings. Having both types of equipment would satisfy a more diverse group of users. •Select the equipment required, paying attention to the style, materials used, safety, durability and quality features. •Be sure that the equipment comply with the requirements of the Americans with Disability Act. In general, having the right commercial playground equipment for your facility will be a welcoming attraction, frequently used and enjoyed by the children and parents alike.

What should I know before purchasing indoor playground equipment?

You should check out the safety before purchasing indoor playground equipment. You can read more at

How does cartoon channel affect children?

There was a study done on how watching TV violence affects the behaviors of preschoolers. To test this they had two groups of children watch cartoons on TV. One group watched violent cartoons and the other group watched cartoons without violence. Then, they observe the behaviors of the two groups on the playground. The children who had watched the violent cartoons were more apt to react with violence on the playground than children who hadn’t watched the violent cartoons. The conclusion was that watching violence on TV did affect behavior of children.

What inspired Walt Disney to come up with the idea for Disney World?

The inspiration of Disney World was to be able to give children fun but with something more exciting than a small playground.

What will childhood be like in 100 years?

No one can really say but seeing as our world keeps modernizing itself and getting more technically advanced, childhood would be a lot different than it is now. Children probably wouldn't be outside as often as children are now.

Step 2 Playhouses For Indoor Or Outdoor Play?

Step 2 playhouses provide years of play for children. Most families use them outside, but they are popular for doctors offices and waiting rooms, too. Children find hours of entertainment in these houses playing pretend. They are decorated both inside and outside, so kids have more room to play. Playhouses give toddlers and preschoolers the chance to role play, which is an important step in their development. Most playhouses are big enough that children can play in them for many years before outgrowing it.

Is indoor playground equipment comparable to outdoor equipment?

The same safety standards go for indoor and outdoor playground equipment. Outdoor equipment is designed to be more durable.

Does Loki have more than nine children?

"Thou was eight winters, on the earth below, milked cow as a women, and didst there bear children, now that methinks, betoken a base nature." -Lokasenna Odin states in this quote, that Loki spent 8 years on earth as a milkmaid, and had children. Though it is unknown and unstated how many children he had, or what their names are. They are never mentioned again, outside of Lokasenna.

Great dimension of an indoor playground?

Though there isn't any standard or static dimensions for indoor playground. For your guidance I think 40ft x 100ft would be big enough for carrying indoor playground equipments. I am also adding a relevant link where you can get more information about it.